Header image repeating the title, the complete overview of clicking speed and tests

The Complete Overview of Clicking Speed & Tests

What is click speed and why is it important? Where did it come from? Who takes these tests? In this complete overview of clicking speed and tests, we will take a deeper dive into the topic and shed some light on it.

To start, you should know who we are and what we do. Here at the Clicking Tests, we are a team of developers who are looking to offer a forever-free and easy-to-use platform for various types of tests related to clicking.

Click Speed Test - A Deep Dive

The click speed test is arguably the most popular of all clicking tests. It is a test where you must click as fast as possible for a certain period of time to see how many times you click. The results are shown in clicks per second and are easy to share and compare to friends, competitors, and family.

Let's take a closer look at some of the questions you may have about the click speed test.

The Importance of Click Speed

Click speed may not seem like it holds much weight at first, but there are more use cases and scenarios where it comes into play than you may have expected. It is important to note that the large majority of users on the internet do not need to worry about their click speed, but we are competitive creatures often so it is something to track and compete with.

Click Speed & Gaming

Clicking speed and gaming have a natural connection. Those who can click faster will likely perform better at certain games where that plays a role. Some of the games that are impacted by clicking speed include:

  • Minecraft
  • Ark Survival Evolved
  • FPS games
There are many, many FPS games that will be affected by a user's click speed so that is why we included the entire genre. These games make click speed a large talking point as you can hone your skill of clicking fast to get an advantage over the competition if you are playing these games or similar ones.


If you are working as a virtual assistant or have many tasks that are repetitive online, having a higher click speed may enable you to do your job more efficiently. There are many different positions that are computer-based and require a user to click often. These tasks can be completed more efficiently if the person doing them has a high click speed, making them more profitable and a more valuable asset to the company.

It is clear that if you are someone with a higher click speed you have an advantage in the online space whether it is related to work efficiency or gaming proficiency. It is beneficial that it is something you can hone over time by simply taking the CPS test multiple times per day until you reach a number you are happy with.

Different Types of Clicking

It may come as a surprise, but there are many different ways to click. Some allow you to actually click much faster than the traditional method. These alternative click methods include:

  • Normal click
  • Drag click
  • Jitter click
  • Butterfly click

What is Normal Clicking?

Normal clicking is the basic left click with your finger sitting normally along the mouse. There is nothing special about this click method but if you try one of the others you may see your CPS increase.

What is Drag Clicking?

Drag clicking is when you literally drag your finger back so it bounces along and left-clicks multiple times. This requires you to learn how to apply the right pressure and correct angle of your finger on the button so it bounces appropriately and numerous times.

What is Jitter Clicking?

Jitter clicking is a method of clicking where you will utilize your forearm and bicep to essentially vibrate your arm and fingers so you can click your mouse very quickly. There is a great tutorial on how to do this type of click that you can find here.

What is Butterfly Clicking?

Butterfly clicking is when you position your hand to fit two fingers on the left click button, typically your index and middle finger. This method of clicking can greatly enhance your click speed but may come at a cost of accuracy.

Understanding Click Speed Test Results

When you take a CPS test you will choose your test length, after that you will just have to click as fast as you can for that amount of time and you will get a score. This score is measured in clicks per second, which is the number of clicks you made divided by the length of the test in seconds. You want your CPS to be as high as possible.

It is important to remember that the total number of clicks you make is not a good measurement of your abilities since there are so many lengths of these tests. CPS is the single best way to make it universally comparable to other user's results.

How Good is Your Score?

You will want to know just how well you compare to the rest of the world after you take your test. There is no specific number that signifies a good score or a bad score, it is all dependent on your use case and expectations. To get a better understanding of what some people consider average scores or not, check out this information.

How to Share Your Score

At the time of the creation of this article, there is no way to seamlessly share your CPS after taking our test. You can share your scare by taking a screenshot and sending it to others, or by posting the screenshot to social media. Be sure to tag our X account if you post your results to X.

Showcasing a computer setup, a desk, and a hand to signify the three main factors that can influence click speed: your peripherals, workspace, and personal factors.

Factors Affecting Click Speed

There are many different things that factor into your click speed. These can be both negative and positive, but there are more things influencing your score than you may have first thought of.

Your Peripherals (Hardware)

Your hardware alone is one of the largest factors affecting your click speed score. The following pieces of hardware will have an effect in some way on your score:

  • Mouse
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
The quality of all the listed items is key when trying to get a better score. If you have a low-budget mouse it may be preventing you from setting a fast CPS due to some sort of lag or connection issue. Certain screens can be a large factor in your score. If you connect your device to a TV with an HDMI cord, there is often a large delay for items to be shown. Also, if you are connecting wirelessly to a screen you may see extended input/output delay that can affect your score negatively.

Your Overall Workspace

Being able to perform at high levels requires a clean and easy-to-navigate space. If you are sitting at a desk that is cluttered and sometimes restricts your mouse movement, you may be hindering yourself from performing better.

Alternatively, if you are not sitting properly in a chair or seat that is comfortable your score can be impacted as well. It is best to adjust your seat to the proper height and refrain from leaning back when taking the test, but the setup you choose can be however you prefer and perform best.

Input Method

If you elect to take the CPS test on a laptop without a wireless or wired mouse then you are likely at a large disadvantage. It is much more difficult to utilize a trackpad for these tests as they are not meant for high-performance or precision clicking.

Additionally, if you are using a wireless mouse there is the possibility for some input lag to be apparent, this is the slight delay between you clicking the mouse and it registering to the system.

Personal Factors

Personal factors include anything about yourself that may influence your score in any way. Some items that fit into this category include:

  • Hand dexterity
  • Muscle memory
  • Reaction time
  • Endurance

An image repeating the subtitle, how to enhance your click speed with a CPS of 4 pointing to a CPS of 7.

How to Train & Enhance Your Click Speed

Getting your click speed better is something that will take time and effort. It seems like something that is very simple to improve on but will not be a walk in the park.

Taking Online Click Speed Tests

The most straightforward way to enhance your click speed is by taking these tests online repetitively until you are happy with your score. There are many different websites and platforms that can help you take a test like this. Our forever-free platform is included in that list, it is easy to take the test on any device as many times as you want at ClickingTests.

When taking these tests, make sure to challenge yourself and try out different settings. Change the length of the test or any other settings you can to really test your skills and push your limits.

Identifying & Fixing Negative Influences

As mentioned earlier in this article, there are many factors that can affect your score. Keep an eye out for anything you notice to be holding you back from bettering your score. Can't get comfortable? Try a different seat or sitting position. Can't click for more than 10 seconds straight? Try a different mouse or work on strengthening your hand muscles. The list goes on and on, but the only way to better yourself and score is by recognizing your flaws and correcting them.

Take Our Other Clicking Tests

The best part about our platform is that we offer multiple different clicking-focused tests that you can take for free alongside our click speed test. Taking these other tests may enhance your clicking skills in general which can lead to a boost in your clicking speed score. Try them all out today!

Wrapping Up

The purpose of the click speed test is clear, the importance of clicking speed is also well-defined. It is not something the average person may need to worry about but it is something everyone can easily take and try to enhance if they so please.

If you have any additional questions about clicking speed or clicking tests in general get in touch with us so we can help as needed. Stick around and take our tests as we have the best forever-free click speed test and other clicking-based games for you to enjoy on any device at any time.

Be sure to take the test multiple times, share it with friends and family to compete with them, share your score online and follow us on X to keep up to date with the latest updates and emerging news about our games and potential virtual events in the future.

What Are Clicking Tests?

Clicking tests includes any type of test or game online where your score or skill is measured from the act of clicking a single time or multiple times, depending on the game or test.

The most common clicking tests are:

If you are looking for a free platform to take these tests, look no further as that is what we do here. Click on the test that intrigues you and see how you do!